Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is a trusting partnership between you and a professionally trained coach focused on helping you achieve personal and professional success. Coaching conversations are confidential between you and your coach and can occur over the phone, in-person, or a combination of both.
“My coaching relationship with Jeff is the greatest professional and personal gift that I have ever received.”
Sandra Gomberg, former CEO, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
- Senior management – Director to C-Suite
- High performers and high potentials
- Newly transitioned to role or fast-tracked
- Mid to large size companies
- US and Europe
- Across industries – most common include: healthcare, finance, education, pharmaceutical, biotech, and utility. Others include: manufacturing, retail, consumer goods, transportation, IT, law, real-estate, construction and banking
Areas of focus
- Managing relationships with boss, direct reports, peers, customers and others
- Executive presence & Self confidence
- Motivating, Influencing and Developing others
- Resolving conflict
- Office politics
- Succession planning
Each engagement is individually tailored to meet the needs and budget of the individual or organization. A typical executive coaching package costs $20,000 per year, which includes a 360° assessment, one half-day in-person meeting, six months of biweekly phone coaching, and two follow up sessions over the next six months.
What is Coaching?
Am I ready for coaching?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you’re considering coaching. If you answer “No” to any of these, be sure to discuss this with a prospective coach before investing your time and money.
- Am I motivated to make changes, personally and/or professionally?
- Am I willing to be open and honest with my coach, knowing that this is a confidential relationship?
- Am I willing to take risks by trying new ways of thinking and behaving?
- Am I willing to take responsibility for my growth by coming prepared to each session and asking for what I need from my coach?
- Do I feel excited and/or nervous about starting coaching because I’m anticipating change from the status quo?
- Do I understand that my coach is my partner and collaborator and, while he may provide suggestions and resources, it is not his job to tell me what to do?
- Does my organization value and support coaching and understand the confidential nature of the relationship?
- Am I willing to create the time in my schedule for the coaching sessions and “show up” to each session – by being on time and being ready to engage in conversation about my development?
- Do I believe in mutual respect for our time – giving my coach as much advanced notice as possible if I need to reschedule an appointment and expecting the same from him?
- Am I okay with having fun and laughing, recognizing that this process can be difficult at times but it can also be quite fun.

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